Info about the Start at 31. of August

Will the majority of Rheinau’s residents say yes to test the unconditional basic income (UBI) for one year?
The registration for the experiment is voluntarily. On the 31. of August a big information-event will take place in the village. From then on the inhabitants can apply to be part of the experiment.

The information event on the 31. of August is organized by the local council of Rheinau and the project team “Village Tests Future”. the inhabitants will hear about the team behind the project and about their motivation and they will most of all get detailed information about the UBI-model that was especially created for the experiment: «It’s crucial for us that the people understand why we chose our UBI-model and how the experiment should work», says Panian, the initiator of the project. It’s important for the project team to be in a dialogue with the inhabitants as well as with the local council, who already provided interesting inputs to the project and the model. «And thanks to an interested citizen, I am part of a Whatsapp-chat with inhabitants, that has delivered very important questions and suggestions», says Panian.

The 31. of August is the beginning of the filing period. The deadline so far is the 15. of September. The project can only proceed if over 50% of the 1302 residents say yes.


Rebecca Panian

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